Donate to Zahida Parveen for Her AV Fistula Formation
Zahida Parveen's Story
50-year-old Zahida Parveen is suffering from kidney failure; both her kidneys are non-functional, so she relies on dialysis. Initially, her dialysis was carried out through a vein in her neck but her doctor informed her that in order for the procedure to be performed permanently, an AV fistula needs to be made on her arm.
Zahida consulted a few different hospitals for the AV fistula but the local ones did not have any room to accommodate her and the private institutions demanded a lot of money. Zahida currently has no resources of her own. Her husband passed away 6 months ago. For her expenses, she just relies on the small amount of 5000 PKR that her eldest son sends her. This is all she and her daughter, who lives with her, have to get through the month.
“The doctor has given my mother tablets to keep her blood pressure in check but often, we don’t have enough money to even buy those. It is a miracle she hasn’t had a stroke from the spikes in her blood pressure.” – Zahida Parveen’s daughter
Zahida’s dialysis is, fortunately, being carried out with the help of Zakat money so she does not have to pay for it. Her AV fistula surgery, on the other hand, is not being sponsored by anyone so she has approached Transparent Hands for help with it.
Delaying dialysis much longer can prove fatal for Zahida. In order to help her recommence dialysis as soon as possible, please donate to her today.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Calum Meikle
Donated: $ 311.86
Fahad Aqeel
Donated: $ 50
Zahida Parveen's Story
Zahida Parveen, 55 years old, was suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) for the last few months. She is a diagnosed case of hypertension and is on regular dialysis for her kidney failure. She was advised to surgically created AV fistula formation for her dialysis. She was operated on by Dr. Ubaid Ullah on 14-07-20, in Lahore Care Hospital. She stayed for one day in the hospital and was discharged in perfect health.