Empower Mubeen with Cataract Surgery
Mubeen Bibi's Story
Mubeen Bibi, a 9-year-old girl from Multan, is unable to see clearly due to blurry and dim vision. Her vision problem has made simple activities like playing outside with other children or helping her mother at home, increasingly difficult. Mubeen’s parents took her to a local hospital and consulted a doctor. After running some medical tests, the doctor diagnosed Mubeen with a cataract in her left eye. To enable her to see clearly, the doctor recommended LMA + IOL surgery. Unfortunately, her family cannot afford the cost of this life-changing surgery.
If Mubeen does not receive the surgery soon, her condition may worsen, leading to permanent vision loss in the left eye. This would limit her ability to lead a normal life and create a lifelong dependency on her family.
Mubeen’s father works as a daily wage laborer, earning only PKR 15,000 per month. The family lives in a small mud house and barely manages to cover their basic needs, leaving no room for medical expenses. Despite his hard work, Mubeen’s father is unable to save the amount needed for her surgery. They are surviving in extreme poverty and can’t afford the necessary treatment. With hope in their hearts, Mubeen’s parents reached out to Transparent Hands for assistance.
Mubeen’s parents shared their concerns as follows:
“Our daughter is too young to face such challenges. We want her to live a normal life, see the world clearly, and grow up like other children. But we cannot afford her treatment. Please help us.”
Mubeen is counting on your kindness. Your generosity can change her life. By donating to Mubeen’s surgery, you will help her reclaim her childhood and enter a world filled with possibilities.
Come forward and bring hope and happiness into Mubeen’s life.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Sam B
Donated: $ 221.47
Donated: $ 50