Health issues and burden of responsibilities
Mubashir Ali's Story
Mubashir is an ambitious student of 4th class. He didn’t go to play cricket after coming from the school because he has to go to his work as he is a breadwinner for his family. Yes, he works in the second half. He works as a helper in a General store .He works to support his father who is a laborer in an ICE factory.
Since last year Mubashir was diagnosed with ChronicTONSILLITIS for which TONSILLECTOMY is required. Fever, cough, swelling and shortness of breath are the symptoms that are persisting since last few months. Due to hectic routine of school and shop Mubashir became Anaemic. He didn’t give attention to his health because he couldn’t find time for his treatment.
One night when Mubashir was sleeping his parents observed that his breathing is disrupted they took him to a doctor where initial tests were performed. Doctors told his parents that there is a danger of Tonsillar Cellulitis (Infection that spreads deep into surrounding tissue) as a result an urgent surgery is required. Mubashir is not able to attend his school and shop as he faints most of the time due to weakness.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 479.26
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 17.74
Mubashir Ali's Story
Mubashar Ali 12 years old boy had repeated attacks of sore throat because of chronic tonsillitis for more than a year. He was advised tonsillectomy. His surgery was done in Zainab Memorial Hospital on 01-04-16 by Dr Khursheed Anwar Mian. His chronically inflamed tonsils were removed. He stayed for 4 days in hospital post operatively and had good recovery. He was discharged in satisfied condition.