Help Anaya See the World Clearly

Help Anaya See the World Clearly

Zakat Eligible Anaya
100% Complete (success)
$ 277.48 Required
$ 277.48 Raised
0 Remaining

Anaya Zahra's Story

Anaya Zahra is a 5-year-old girl from Multan who is currently battling with cataracts, causing significant challenges in her vision. Due to the severity of her short-sightedness, the doctor has recommended a (L) LMA and IOL procedure to address her condition. Anaya’s previous medical history reveals her struggle with cataracts over a year ago, and her father faced a congenital eye problem. However, the family’s financial situation poses a significant obstacle to affording the necessary surgery.

Anaya lives with her parents, two sisters, and one brother in her own house of five Marla’s in Multan.  Anaya’s father works as a rider in Leopards, with a monthly income of approximately PKR 20,000. Being the sole breadwinner, he shoulders the responsibility of supporting his family. His family is entirely dependent on his income. Despite owning a 5-marla house, their financial resources are limited, making it impossible for Anaya’s father to cover the expenses of her surgical procedure. With daily expenses, grocery bills, and school fees amounting to PKR 5,000 and PKR 1,000 respectively, the family’s resources are significantly strained.

Anaya’s family humbly appeals for financial assistance in the following words:

“I implore your generous support to help my precious daughter, Anaya Zahra, overcome her cataract struggles. With limited resources and being the sole provider for my family, I cannot afford her much-needed eye surgery. Your contribution will bring light to her world and grant her the chance to see a brighter future.”

Anaya’s father, in this time of dire need, has turned to Transparent Hands, seeking our financial assistance. Your kindness and support have the power to create a profound impact on Anaya’s life, allowing her to reclaim a clear vision and embark on a brighter future. Through your contributions towards her surgical expenses, you will play a pivotal role in restoring Anaya’s sight, enabling her to triumph over the obstacles presented by her cataracts.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Sam B

Donated: $ 206.94

 Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital

Donated: $ 70.54

Anaya Zahra's Story

Anaya Zahra, a 5-year-old innocent girl from Multan, was suffering from short-sightedness and blurry vision. Upon consultation with a doctor, she was diagnosed with a cataract in her left eye. To restore her vision, the doctor recommended Phaco+IOL surgery. However, affording the cost of the surgery was beyond her family’s financial abilities as they were already facing financial hardships. They have a meager monthly income and they live in a modest home.

Anaya’s life was badly affected by her visual impairment. She used to bump into things while walking and carrying out routine tasks became significantly challenging. She desperately needed the surgery but her parents were unable to pay for it. If left untreated, the cataract could have become worse and increased the risk of glaucoma and even blindness. During this time of need, her parents contacted Transparent Hands and asked us for help. After listening to their concerns, we promptly registered the case.

On 13th May 2024, her left Phaco + IOL surgery was performed by Dr. Safeer Shehbaz at Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Hospital. Her parents were overjoyed with pleasure and said, “With your support, the dark shadows have been removed from our daughter’s life. We have no words to describe our happiness. Thanks for your help!”

The patient’s family is incredibly grateful to you for supporting Anaya and making her surgery possible through Transparent Hands. Your support has brought light back into her life. Not only did you restore her vision but also allowed him to spend her life with independence and dignity. They will never forget your generosity.

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