Help Arshad Ali’s Regain Sight

Help Arshad Ali’s Regain Sight

Zakat Eligible Arshad pre image
100% Complete (success)
$ 102.10 Required
$ 102.10 Raised
0 Remaining

Arshad Ali khan's Story

In the bustling city of Lahore, Arshad Ali Khan, a 50-year-old resident, finds himself trapped in a world of obscure vision. Cataracts have cast a shadow over his right eye, causing immense difficulty and hindering his daily life. With each passing day, Arshad faces the anguish of impaired sight, yearning for an opportunity to regain the clarity he once enjoyed. The doctor’s recommendation of Phaco + IOL surgery offers a glimmer of hope in his darkened world.

Arshad resides in a small, two-room house on a small plot of land in Lahore with his wife and seven children. The burden of his eye condition has rendered him unable to work, adding to the financial strain on his family. His son, the sole breadwinner, earns a modest income of just PKR 20,000 per month. With the weight of daily expenses, grocery bills, utility costs amounting to PKR 3,000, and a looming loan of PKR 200,000, the family struggles to make ends meet.

Arshad said in despair, “Every day, I wake up to the heaviness of impaired vision, unable to provide for my family or participate fully in their lives. Your compassionate support can be the beacon of hope that illuminates my world and restores the gift of sight, allowing me to reclaim my role as a father and husband.”

The cost of the necessary surgical expenses seems insurmountable given their current financial circumstances. With your generous contributions, we can shine a light on Arshad’s path, restoring the clarity he so desperately seeks. Your support will empower him to experience life’s beauty once again, enabling him to provide for his family and participate fully in their lives. Join us in this noble cause via the Transparent Hands campaign. Your kindness and generosity will transform his world, granting him the precious gift of clearer vision and the ability to navigate life’s journey with confidence.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Vijay Puniani

Donated: $ 102.10

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