Help Ilham Bibi Hear the World

Help Ilham Bibi Hear the World

Zakat Eligible ilham bibi pre image
87.882070311662% Complete (success)
$ 9,456.52 Required
$ 8,311.25 Raised
$ 1,145.28 Remaining

Ilham Bibi's Story

Ilham Bibi, a charming 4-year-old girl from Swat, is facing a life-altering challenge. Born with congenital sensorineural hearing loss, Ilham has been deprived of the ability to hear her surroundings, hindering her communication skills and impeding her learning capabilities. The silence that envelops her has shattered her family, who yearn to see her experience the joys of sound. Now, as Ilham anxiously awaits cochlear implant surgery, we appeal to your compassionate hearts to donate and grant her the opportunity to thrive in life.

Ilham’s parents first noticed her hearing difficulties when she was just one year old. Her unresponsiveness to their voices prompted them to seek medical help at the local hospital. After undergoing tests and consultations, Ilham was diagnosed with sensorineural deafness. The medical experts recommended cochlear implant surgery as the solution to restore her hearing. This remarkable procedure utilizes electrical stimulation of the cochlear nerve, which consists of both external and internal components. The external part, attached behind the ear, processes sounds picked up by a microphone and transmits them to the internal implant.

Donate For Cochlear Implant Surgeries

Living with her parents and two siblings, Ilham’s family relies solely on her father’s monthly salary of PKR 20,000. Unfortunately, the financial strain prevents them from affording the necessary surgery. Witnessing their daughter confined in a silent world fills them with deep concern. Ilham’s father expressed his distress, saying,

“I fear that my daughter may miss out on crucial opportunities in life due to our financial limitations. I humbly implore you to donate today, allowing Ilham to receive the life-changing cochlear implant surgery she deserves.”

In their search for assistance, Ilham’s parents were informed about Transparent Hands and the impactful causes it supports. With hope in their hearts, they reached out to us, seeking a financial gift. Now, we turn to you, urging you to make a small donation that will contribute to Ilham’s journey toward cochlear implant surgery. Your generosity will grant her the precious gift of hearing, allowing her to embrace a world filled with sound and endless possibilities. Together, let us rally behind Ilham Bibi and make a difference in her life.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.

 Feroz Dinah

Donated: $ 4,152.96


Donated: $ 2,138

 Munawar Hussain Muhammad

Donated: $ 292.95

 Mossadiq Ghanghro

Donated: $ 292.34

 Salman Mandhai

Donated: $ 250

 Nisa Khan

Donated: $ 244.07


Donated: $ 175

 Sohel z potia

Donated: $ 128

 Abir Viqar

Donated: $ 100


Donated: $ 100


Donated: $ 100

 Daniyal Sherriff

Donated: $ 100

 Lubna Shafi

Donated: $ 97.44

 Zain Ahsan

Donated: $ 50

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 50

 Gasser Rezeika

Donated: $ 20

 Hasan Khan

Donated: $ 18.06

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 2

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 0.36


Donated: $ 0.07

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