Help Robina Regain Her Health

Help Robina Regain Her Health

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$ 547.57 Required
$ 547.57 Raised
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Robina Bibi's Story

Robina, a 32-year-old resident of Lahore, is currently facing a challenging health condition. Robina has been suffering from heavy menstrual bleeding, weakness, and tiredness, all symptoms of uterine fibroids. This condition has not only taken a toll on her physical well-being but has also greatly impacted her personal life and household responsibilities. As a mother of three and with seven family members to take care of, Robina finds it increasingly difficult to fulfill her duties due to the constant discomfort and fatigue caused by the fibroids.

After consulting with her doctor, Robina has been advised to undergo a Myomectomy, a surgical procedure to remove the uterine fibroids. This surgery is crucial for her well-being and to alleviate the painful symptoms she has been experiencing. By undergoing the Myomectomy, Robina can regain her health, vitality, and quality of life, allowing her to resume her daily activities and responsibilities without constant discomfort and exhaustion.

Robina said with teary eyes:

“My health is deteriorating due to uterine fibroids. I desperately need financial assistance for my Myomectomy surgery to regain my health and fulfill my responsibilities to my family. Your support can bring light back into my life.”

Unfortunately, Robina and her husband, who works as an office boy in a hotel, are facing a financial crisis. The cost of the surgery and associated medical expenses is beyond their means, making it impossible for them to afford the necessary treatment. In their desperate search for assistance, they reached out to Transparent Hands.

Robina’s case has been registered with Transparent Hands, and we are now committed to helping her with the surgical costs. Robina earnestly appeals for your support and assistance during this challenging time in her life. Your contribution can make a significant difference, not only in her physical health but also in her overall well-being and happiness. Your generosity can bring joy and relief to Robina and her family, allowing them to face the future with hope and good health.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 547.57

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