Help Sameer Ali Embrace the World of Sound

Help Sameer Ali Embrace the World of Sound

Zakat Eligible Sameer Ali pre image
100% Complete (success)
$ 10,622.41 Required
$ 10,622.41 Raised
0 Remaining

Sameer Ali's Story

In the quaint village of Noshero Feroz, four-year-old Sameer Ali has lived with silence or been diagnosed with hearing loss since birth. His parents discovered his condition when he turned two and immediately sought medical help. After thorough diagnostic tests, doctors recommended a life-changing cochlear implant surgery, offering a chance for Sameer to hear the world around him.

Living in a humble village house, Sameer’s family relies on his father’s income as a daily wage earner, bringing in PKR 30,000 per month. With a loan of PKR 50,000, utility bills of PKR 2,000, and daily expenses, they find it impossible to gather the funds needed for Sameer’s surgery.

In their heartfelt plea for help, Sameer’s parents share, “Our son’s hearing loss has brought immense sadness to our lives. We dream of him experiencing the wonders of sound and communicating like any other child. But our financial struggles make it impossible to afford the surgery he desperately needs. We humbly ask for your support to bring the joy of hearing into Sameer’s life.”
Transparent Hands has stepped forward to support Sameer, offering a beacon of hope. Together, we can transform Sameer’s life by contributing towards his cochlear implant surgery, allowing him to hear and communicate with his loved ones.

With hope and determination, Sameer’s parents have registered his case on our platform. Now, we have the power to make a significant impact on Sameer’s future. By donating to Transparent Hands on behalf of Sameer Ali, we can help him embrace the world of sound, thrive alongside his family, and embark on a journey filled with endless possibilities.
Let us unite in our commitment to making a positive change. Donate today and be a part of Sameer’s journey towards the gift of sound. Your generous support can turn Sameer’s silent world into one filled with sound.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 8,499.10


Donated: $ 621.60

 Mohammad F Khan

Donated: $ 500

 Lisa Hamid

Donated: $ 244.07

 Qasim Mueen

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Donated: $ 151.92

 HEYAM ali

Donated: $ 50

 Abbas Ali Chaudary

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 Madihullah Riaz

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 Arin mayi

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 Areeha Suhail

Donated: $ 50

 Muhammad Ali Butt

Donated: $ 50

 Mohammed shahzad Shafiq

Donated: $ 37.86

 Fatima Waqar

Donated: $ 15

 Mahmood Khan

Donated: $ 14.52

 Sarah Qureshi

Donated: $ 12


Donated: $ 10

 Sajida Khan

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 Muhammad Ilyas

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