Your Help Can Save Ali’s Life
Ali Raza's Story
“My son is loved by all his teachers at school. He is a very ambitious kid and we want to see him thrive. His congenital ailment has stopped him in many ways. We do not want to see our kid fail because of it. Please help us keep Ali’s heart beating.” -Ali Raza’s Father.
At first, before we dive into the heartbreaking details of Ali Raza’s ailment, please know that only your financial support can help us keep Ali’s heart beating. Thus, please donate generously.
Seemingly, Ali Raza looks like every other kid. He goes to school, eats his lunch and does his homework. However, the difference becomes stark at recess time when the other kids run after each other like race horses and Ali Raza sits on a bench staring at his blue discolored nails. If he tries to run and play like other children his age, he gets breathless in no time.
Ali Raza has been suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). TOF is a cardiac anomaly that refers to a combination of four related heart defects that commonly occur together. The cardiologist advised Ali Raza to undergo a TOF correction surgery as soon as possible. His parents have visited many hospitals to seek affordable treatment. But unfortunately, the local hospitals kept rescheduling the date of his surgery. Due to Ali’s deteriorating situation, the surgery has become crucial for him. Without surgery, his life would stay compromised.
Ali Raza’s troubles do not end here. His father works as a laborer and hardly earns PKR 10,000 per month. In this measly income he can hardly manage his household expenses. With 7 family members to feed, he cannot afford to arrange Ali Raza’s surgery at a private hospital. Therefore, we urge you to please donate and help us keep Ali’s heart beating.
After a lot of mental distress, Ali Raza’s parents have registered his case with us. We urge you to please donate for his total corrective surgery and help us keep Ali’s heart beating.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Ali Raza's Story
Ali Raza, aged 11 years, a resident of Mandibahauddin was suffering from cyanosis and dyspnea on mild exertion since birth. Upon cardiac assessment, he was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). He was advised by his cardiologist to undergo open heart surgery for total correction. For this purpose, he was admitted to The University Of Lahore Teaching Hospital Lahore, where Dr. Salman Ahmad Shah performed open-heart surgery for total correction of TOF on 04.03.2021. After one week of hospital stay Ali Raza was discharged in a satisfactory condition. The surgery was conducted with the support of Pakistan Children Heart foundation and other donors. A child who has had surgical repair of TOF, requires lifelong care and examinations by a cardiologist along with medication and an optimized lifestyle. Luckily now Ali is beyond the initial stage of treatment and is optimistic for a healthy life.