Help Zuhan unlock the joy of Sound

Help Zuhan unlock the joy of Sound

Zakat Eligible Zuhan pre image
100% Complete (success)
$ 8,873.28 Required
$ 8,873.28 Raised
0 Remaining

Muhammad Zuhan's Story

Muhammad Zuhan, a 2-year-old resident of Rawalakot, was born without the ability to hear. Concerned about their child’s condition, his parents took him to the hospital for a consultation when he was just a year old. Following a comprehensive evaluation and diagnostic tests, the doctor diagnosed him with sensorineural hearing loss. To address this condition, the doctor recommended cochlear implant surgery as a solution. By undergoing cochlear implant surgery, Zuhan will have the opportunity to hear and experience sounds for the first time. The cochlear implant comprises two components: one that is surgically implanted in the ear, and the other, an external component that will be installed a few weeks after the surgery.

However, Zuhan’s family is currently facing a significant obstacle as they strive for a brighter future for their child. Due to financial constraints, Zuhan’s parents are unable to afford the cost of the cochlear implant surgery. They reside in a modest house as part of a large joint family, and their monthly income amounts to only PKR 50,000. With such limited financial resources, they find it challenging to meet their basic needs and cover their expenses. Zuhan’s mother expressed her deep concern, stating:

“Zuhan is a young and innocent child who doesn’t know he can’t hear. I worry about his future and want him to have the same chances to play and learn as other kids his age. We can’t afford the cost of his surgery because we don’t have enough money. Please think about donating to Zuhan’s campaign on Transparent Hands. It’s our only hope to give him a chance to hear and experience life like other children.”

Upon learning about Transparent Hands and the causes they support, Zuhan’s parents reached out, seeking assistance. All that is needed now is a small donation from compassionate individuals like you to make Zuhan’s cochlear implant surgery a reality. By supporting Zuhan’s cochlear implant surgery, you can empower him to live life to the fullest and unlock the joy of sound.

Cochlear Implant Surgeries Patients

Updates & Timeline

  • Muhammad Zuhan Embraced Beautiful Sound

    30 Jan 2024

    Muhammad Zuhan post image

    At a tender age of two, Muhammad Zuhan from Rawalakot embarked on a transformative odyssey—a journey from the hushed confines of silence to the vibrant tapestry of sound. His narrative is a testament to resilience, medical expertise, and the profound impact of generous donors.

    Admitted to Ali Medical Complex in Islamabad on November 18, 2023, Muhammad underwent a groundbreaking Cochlear Implant Surgery under the skilled hands of Dr. Jawwad Ahmed. The utilization of  Cochlear Implant during the surgery marked a significant leap forward in Muhammad Zuhan’s quest for auditory sensation.

    The surgery, performed on the same day as admission, was a defining moment in Muhammad Zuhan’s young life. Astonishingly, by November 19, 2023, he was discharged in a satisfactory condition, marking the inception of the subsequent phases of his journey toward embracing the symphony of sound.

    Four weeks post-surgery, Muhammad Zuhan achieved another pivotal milestone as the external component of the Cochlear Implant was successfully installed. Simultaneously, his dedicated journey through speech therapy sessions commenced, playing an instrumental role in his adaptation to the auditory world.

    The success of Muhammad Zuhan’s journey is owed to the remarkable support of compassionate donors. Their contributions not only provided financial assistance but also served as a guiding light, infusing Muhammad Zuhan’s family with strength and optimism throughout this transformative journey.

    Muhammad Zuhan’s narrative epitomizes the convergence of medical advancements, unwavering determination, and the kindness of donors. His resilience, coupled with the expertise of Dr. Jawwad Ahmed and the invaluable support from donors, has laid the groundwork for a future where he can explore a world enriched with communication, learning, and boundless possibilities.

    As Muhammad Zuhan continues his speech therapy sessions, he stands on the cusp of a life liberated from the confines of silence, ready to immerse himself in a world resonating with sounds—a testament to the collective efforts that have fueled his journey toward a brighter, audibly vibrant future.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 4,420.07


Donated: $ 3,544.47


Donated: $ 662.66

 Farheen Asif

Donated: $ 70.42

 HEYAM ali

Donated: $ 50

 Syed Ayaz Ejaz

Donated: $ 35.21

 Imtiaz Habib

Donated: $ 35.16

 Aminah Khan

Donated: $ 17.57


Donated: $ 14

 I Tanvir

Donated: $ 12.55

 Waleed Khalil

Donated: $ 3.56


Donated: $ 3.51

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 2

 Aisha Ammar

Donated: $ 1.41

 junaid ameer

Donated: $ 0.50

 Fatima Anwar

Donated: $ 0.18

Muhammad Zuhan's Story

At a tender age of two, Muhammad Zuhan from Rawalakot embarked on a transformative odyssey—a journey from the hushed confines of silence to the vibrant tapestry of sound. His narrative is a testament to resilience, medical expertise, and the profound impact of generous donors.

Admitted to Ali Medical Complex in Islamabad on November 18, 2023, Muhammad underwent a groundbreaking Cochlear Implant Surgery under the skilled hands of Dr. Jawwad Ahmed. The utilization of  Cochlear Implant during the surgery marked a significant leap forward in Muhammad Zuhan's quest for auditory sensation.

The surgery, performed on the same day as admission, was a defining moment in Muhammad Zuhan's young life. Astonishingly, by November 19, 2023, he was discharged in a satisfactory condition, marking the inception of the subsequent phases of his journey toward embracing the symphony of sound.

Four weeks post-surgery, Muhammad Zuhan achieved another pivotal milestone as the external component of the Cochlear Implant was successfully installed. Simultaneously, his dedicated journey through speech therapy sessions commenced, playing an instrumental role in his adaptation to the auditory world.

The success of Muhammad Zuhan's journey is owed to the remarkable support of compassionate donors. Their contributions not only provided financial assistance but also served as a guiding light, infusing Muhammad Zuhan's family with strength and optimism throughout this transformative journey.

Muhammad Zuhan's narrative epitomizes the convergence of medical advancements, unwavering determination, and the kindness of donors. His resilience, coupled with the expertise of Dr. Jawwad Ahmed and the invaluable support from donors, has laid the groundwork for a future where he can explore a world enriched with communication, learning, and boundless possibilities.

As Muhammad Zuhan continues his speech therapy sessions, he stands on the cusp of a life liberated from the confines of silence, ready to immerse himself in a world resonating with sounds—a testament to the collective efforts that have fueled his journey toward a brighter, audibly vibrant future.

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