Let’s save a life!
Ali Hassan's Story
Ali Hassan, a seven year old student of government school has been diagnosed with Inguinal Hernia a while back yet he has to work as part time labour in an Iron factory. The misery of his suffering doesn’t end here in fact; he is not capable of managing his treatment with that small amount of money. His condition is getting worse and he has not been able to cope up with this situation. He came across the banner of Transparent Hands recently; upon reaching here, he is dreaming of getting his proper medication. So lets participate with us in saving life of Ali!
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 444.77
Donated: $ 9.82
Ali Hassan's Story
Ali Hassan had a severe inguinal hernia. He was not always this bad, he used to live like a normal being. When he discovered about his problem, things went quite adverse for him. He wanted a treatment for himself but there was no way the expense could be bear by his family. He came to Transparent Hands with great hope and now he is happy about his choice. It has given him a hope to survive again and live a life of his dreams.