Save Fizza Fatima’s Little Heart

Save Fizza Fatima’s Little Heart

Fizza fatima pre image
37.632812566406% Complete (success)
$ 3,405.91 Required
$ 1,280.77 Raised
$ 2,125.14 Remaining

Fizza Fatima's Story

Fizza Fatima, a 4-year-old girl from Bahawalpur, has been living with a heart condition since birth. From a very young age, Fizza has experienced cyanosis and difficulty breathing, even during mild to moderate physical activity. Her parents first became aware of her condition when she was just 1 year old.

After numerous diagnostic tests and a thorough medical evaluation, doctors have diagnosed Fizza with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) – a serious congenital heart defect that requires immediate surgical intervention. Fizza’s doctors have advised her to undergo primary repair of TOF, a critical open-heart surgery that could save her life and give her a chance at a healthy future.

Fizza lives in a modest two-room house in Bahawalpur with her parents and one sibling. Her father works as a daily wage laborer, earning a monthly income of 28,000 PKR. This income is the sole source of support for the entire family, leaving them unable to afford the expenses of Fizza’s urgently needed surgery.

Fizza’s father, with a heavy heart, shared, “I can’t bear the thought of losing my daughter so early in life. Her condition is deteriorating, and we are running out of time. With your generous support, you can help us fulfill Fizza’s dreams and give her the chance to grow up and lead a healthy, happy life. Please, help us.”

Fizza’s family has reached out to Transparent Hands, in the hope of securing the necessary funds for her open-heart surgery. Every moment counts, and Fizza’s only chance at a healthy future lies in the successful completion of this critical procedure.

We implore you to contribute, no matter how small the amount, to help Fizza Fatima receive the life-saving treatment she desperately needs. Your donation can make a profound difference in this young girl’s life, allowing her to thrive and fulfill her dreams. Together, let us bring hope and healing to Fizza and her family.

Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.


Donated: $ 1,084.79

 Muhammad Adeel Yaqoob

Donated: $ 160.98

 Kashif Khan

Donated: $ 25


Donated: $ 10

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