The frightening cause of Breast cancer
Gama Bibi's Story
Out of many diseases, breast cancer is the most common, constituting 38% of the total population among women and the most unfortunate part is that the women in our country are deliberately kept uninformed about the various health related precautions that they must know from the very beginning.
Gama is 57 years old woman diagnosed with Breast Cancer (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma). She is a widow and lives with her son. The son is the only earning hand of the family. He earns by working at the brick kiln.
Gama was born healthy, but soon after reaching the childhood Gama became a child with different special needs. She had a Viral Attack which produced a permanent defect in her personality. Her facial nerve was completely damaged causing Facial Palsy. She lived her life with a droop on her face; she was unable to blink her eye even. Her face wasn’t the only part of her body which was affected as her right side was paralyzed partially. One and a half year back Gama had a severe attack of stroke due to High Blood Pressure. Managing all this wasn’t easy for this family but they tried to manage it.
Few months back Gama felt a lump in her left breast due to which she was facing stiffness and swelling. The symptoms progressed with each passing day. Unfortunately the unawareness of the disease took her to a crucial state; the lump is now increased in size to 5inches along with the severe pain in it.
I question all the readers, do you think spreading pink ribbons, conducting seminars, distributing pamphlets among the elite class is enough for this drastic disease awareness??
Today this poor lady is a victim of such life threatening disease just because of unawareness. Now doctors have recommended an urgent Mastectomy with 6 Chemotherapy Cycles.
Being an inhabitant of this globe it is our responsibility to eradicate this disease by helping the victims or at least create awareness among them.
Your first step against this Chronic Syndrome would be helping this poor woman. Many patients like Gama are waiting for your assistance.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Donated: $ 463.40
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 247.86
Zigron Inc
Donated: $ 196.44
Donated: $ 100.19
Donated: $ 54.38
Donated: $ 47.76
Aman Ullah
Donated: $ 29.47
Gama Bibi's Story
Gama Bibi is 60 yrs old , she was diagnosed with Carcinoma of her left breast. Her Modified Radical Mastectomy was done on 07/08/15 at Zainab Memorial Hospital by Dr Adeel. Her biopsy report reveals that tumor mass is completely excised. She had smooth post op recovery and was discharged in stable condition. She was advised adjuvant chemotherapy for this. Now she has completed her 6 cycles of post operative chemotherapy from INMOL hospital through transparent hands. She has recovered fully from side effects of chemotherapy and is enjoying a symptom free life.