Zakir Awaits Lateral Sphincterotomy to Overcome Pain
Zakir Ali's Story
For the past year, 27-year-old Zakir Ali from Karachi has been experiencing unbearable pain and discomfort. What started as occasional discomfort has now become a daily struggle. He suffers from severe pain while passing stool, accompanied by bleeding and persistent perianal discharge. Zakir went to a local hospital and consulted a doctor. After performing a thorough examination, the doctor diagnosed him with a chronic anal fissure – a small tear in the moist tissue that lines the anus. The doctor recommended lateral sphincterotomy surgery as the only solution to relieve his suffering. However, financial constraints have turned his hope for recovery into uncertainty.
If Zakir does not undergo surgery soon, his condition will continue to deteriorate. The pain may intensify, making even basic tasks unbearable. Prolonged fissures may lead to chronic infections, abscess formation, and the development of anal fistulas, which are far more painful and complex to treat.
His ability to work and provide for his family will be compromised, increasing their hardships.
Zakir lives in a small rented house with his family, struggling to make ends meet. As a laborer, he earns only PKR 20,000 per month, out of which PKR 5000 go towards house rent and PKR 1500 for utility bills. The remaining amount barely covers their daily expenses, making it impossible for him to save for the much-needed surgery. Despite his hard work, his limited income prevents him from seeking medical care that will change his life. Every passing day, he watches his health decline, knowing that he cannot afford the treatment that can bring him relief. During this challenging time, Zakir turned to Transparent Hands and asked for assistance.
Zakir Ali said in despair:
“I have been living with this pain for so long, and it is affecting every aspect of my life. The discomfort is unbearable, yet I have no choice but to keep living with it. I dream of a life without pain, where I can work and support my family without struggling every day. I humbly ask for your support to help me get the treatment I need.”
Your generosity can bring Zakir the relief he longs for. With your help, he can undergo the surgery that will restore his health and allow him to live without constant pain. Donate today and be a source of hope for Zakir in his time of need.
Please Note: In certain situations, we proceed with the patient's surgery/medical procedure despite incomplete funding displayed on the website. Following the surgery/medical procedure, we persist in collecting funds and maintain the campaign on the website until funding is secured in full. Hospitals have granted us a grace period for bill payment.
Vijay Puniani
Donated: $ 161.57
Hassan E Gafri
Donated: $ 50