4 year old Dawood is ready to begin a normal life

4 year old Dawood is ready to begin a normal life

Dawood Ahmed

Dawood Ahmed 's Story

Dawood Ahmed, 4 years old, was suffering from high variety anorectal malformation (ARM) resulting in an absent back passage. His emergency colostomy surgery was done at birth to make a temporary passage for stool. His posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP) was done through Transparent Hands, to construct his back passage at the normal site. Now, he came for his colostomy closure. His surgery was done at Akram Medical Complex, on 07-11-19, by Dr Naveed Haider, and he stayed for 4 days in the hospital with good post-operative recovery. He was discharged in good health.

 Laiba butt

Donated: $ 423.62


Donated: $ 97


Donated: $ 50

 Shafaq Hafeez

Donated: $ 0.23

Total Funds

$ 570.86

Funds Raised

$ 570.86
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 570.86 Raised

Successfully Operated

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