Thank you for supporting this cab driver in his surgery

Thank you for supporting this cab driver in his surgery

Anwar Hussain's Story

Anwar Hussain 60 years old was experiencing frequent episodes of chest pain. He was diagnosed as a case of Ischemic heart disease and was advised percutaneous intervention (PCI)+ Angioplasty. His procedure was done in National Defence Hospital on 08-08-16 by Prof. Muhammad Sarwar. He was found to have Multivessel coronary artery disease for which Angioplasty was not possible. Angiography was successful and patient was discharged after 2 days of medical management with full recovery.


Donated: $ 675.39


Donated: $ 191.02

Total Funds

$ 866.41

Funds Raised

$ 866.41
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 866.41 Raised

Successfully Operated

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