Ali Hamza’s Prosthetic Arm was Attached

Ali Hamza’s Prosthetic Arm was Attached

Ali Hamza prosthetic arm

Ali Hamza's Story

Ali Hamza, a 14-year-old resident of Okara, got his left arm stuck in a forage machine while he was working. His arm was completely crushed. He was rushed to the hospital, but the doctors couldn’t save his arm. They had to amputate it below the elbow level. Ali came to Transparent Hands for a prosthesis. Therefore, he was sent to Hope Rehabilitation center. His prosthetic arm was attached by Dr. Khalid Niazi on 09-03-2022. Ali is now slowly getting used to his new arm.

 Niala Saeed

Donated: $ 171.30

 Hope Rehabilitation Center

Donated: $ 56.44

 Taha Hassan

Donated: $ 27.42

 Atif Shahzad

Donated: $ 14.27

 Gul Hassan

Donated: $ 8.21

 Talha Ahmad

Donated: $ 4.94

 Fiza Hassan

Donated: $ 2.74

Total Funds

$ 285.31

Funds Raised

$ 285.31
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 285.31 Raised

Successfully Operated

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