Aneela underwent Lateral Sphincterotomy

Aneela underwent Lateral Sphincterotomy

Aneela Post image

Aneela Bibi's Story

Aneela, a 34-year-old woman from Lasbela, endured months of excruciating anal pain, itching, and rectal bleeding during bowel movements. The intensity of her discomfort escalated with each passing day. Concerned about her deteriorating condition, Aneela sought medical consultation at a local hospital. After a thorough examination and a series of tests, the doctor made a diagnosis: anal fissure, a small tear or cut in the lining of the anus.

Understanding the severity of Aneela’s condition, the doctor recommended a lateral sphincterotomy, a surgical procedure that involves making a small incision in the anal sphincter muscle to relieve pressure and promote healing of the fissure. However, Aneela’s husband, facing financial instability, found himself unable to shoulder the financial burden of the necessary surgery.

In a desperate search for assistance, Aneela’s case was registered with Transparent Hands. With the generosity of compassionate donors, the necessary funds were gathered to ensure that Aneela could undergo the required surgery.

Aneela was admitted to Murshid Hospital, Karachi, where she placed her trust in Dr. Atta Ullah, a skilled surgeon. On the 7th of October 2023, the surgery was successfully performed, bringing Aneela closer to relief from her agonizing symptoms. The procedure was a resounding success, and Aneela’s condition improved significantly under the attentive care of the medical team.

Following two days of post-operative care, Aneela was discharged from the hospital, ready to embark on the journey of healing. She felt a sense of gratitude towards Transparent Hands and the compassionate donors who selflessly contributed to her cause. Their kindness not only relieved the financial burden but also instilled hope and optimism in Aneela’s heart.

With her pain alleviated and her health on the mend, Aneela envisions a future free from the constraints of her previous condition. She plans to embrace life’s opportunities and cherish the simple joys that were once overshadowed by her suffering.

 Syeda Beena Butool

Donated: $ 151.75


Donated: $ 52.68

Total Funds

$ 204.43

Funds Raised

$ 204.43
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 204.43 Raised

Successfully Operated

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