Aqsa can now stand tall and live life like any other person of her age
Aqsa Ashraf's Story
Aqsa Ashraf 23 years old lady was suffering from Tumor (Osteosarcoma) of left thigh. She was advised surgery to get rid of this after complete investigations. She was worked up and operated upon. Her surgery was done on 22-06-19 in PSRD by Dr. Afzal Hussain. Her wide local excision was done and fixator was applied. She had good post-operative recovery. Later on, she developed wound infection for which her wound debridement was done on 10-07-19. Now she has recovered well and discharged from hospital in good health.
Donated: $ 597.17
Sabena mir
Donated: $ 387.44
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 10