Arisha Fatima’s Life was Saved with Open-Heart Surgery

Arisha Fatima’s Life was Saved with Open-Heart Surgery

Arisha Fatima's Story

Arisha Fatima, a 4-year-old girl from Rawalpindi, had been suffering from breathlessness and chest discomfort since birth. Arisha’s childhood was marked by limitations. Her lips and fingertips often turned blue when she played, and she quickly became tired. Concerned about her condition, her parents took her to a doctor, who after running some diagnostic tests diagnosed Arisha with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), a heart condition involving four congenital defects. The only way to save Arisha’s life was through open-heart surgery for total correction. However, the surgical cost was beyond Arisha’s family’s financial capacity.

Arisha lives with her mother at a relative’s house. Her parents were separated. Arisha and her mother were entirely dependent on their relatives for daily living expenses. With no way to afford the much-needed heart surgery, her mother was heartbroken and was scared to lose her daughter. Every day, she prayed for Arisha’s recovery and finally, a day came when a neighbor told her about Transparent Hands. She turned to us and asked us for help. Upon learning about her condition, we swiftly registered her case.

On 14TH July 2024, Arisha was admitted to Ittefaq Hospital, Lahore. The surgery was scheduled for 15th July 2024. Dr. Asim Khan skillfully performed her open-heart surgery for total correction. Arisha was hospitalized for six days and received post-operative care. On 20th July 2024, she recovered and was discharged in stable condition from the hospital.

Her mother was overwhelmed with relief and said:

“I was so afraid for her future, but now I have hope. My child’s heart is healed because of you. I cannot express how grateful I am to everyone who helped save my daughter’s life.”

Today, Arisha is a completely different child. Her energy has returned, and she can now run and play without getting tired or turning blue. Her life has changed, and her mother is happy now. We are grateful to you and the Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation for making this life-altering surgery possible and giving Arisha a second chance at life.


Donated: $ 1,386.68

 Ahmed Sheraz

Donated: $ 1,158.92

 Nafees Batool

Donated: $ 491.47

 HEYAM ali

Donated: $ 49.99

 Ali Teymur Agha

Donated: $ 36.14

 M N Akhtar

Donated: $ 31.75

 Gaurav Sharma

Donated: $ 25.65

 Kashif Khan

Donated: $ 25

 Fatima Waqar

Donated: $ 20

 Verdina Chaudhry

Donated: $ 13.85

 S mahomed

Donated: $ 12.78


Donated: $ 10


Donated: $ 1.81

Total Funds

$ 3,264.03

Funds Raised

$ 3,264.03
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 3,264.03 Raised

Successfully Operated

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