Attiq’s condition has been corrected to normal

Attiq’s condition has been corrected to normal

Attiq Ur Rehman

Attiq Rehman's Story

Attiq Ur Rehman, 7 years old, was suffering from rt undescended and left retractile testis since birth. He was advised surgery to correct their position and fix them. He was advised bilateral orchidopexy. His surgery was done at Medicare Hospital, Rawalpindi, by Dr. Naeem Liaqat, on 25-02-20, in which his testicles were fixed into his scrotum. He stayed for one day post-operatively and was discharged in a satisfactory condition.


Donated: $ 412.99


Donated: $ 12.53

Total Funds

$ 425.51

Funds Raised

$ 425.51
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 425.51 Raised

Successfully Operated

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