Azhar Overcome Progressive Hearing Loss

Azhar Overcome Progressive Hearing Loss

Azhar Iqbal post image

Azhar Iqbal's Story

In the city of Lahore, a resilient 44-year-old man named Azhar Iqbal has been grappling with progressive hearing loss for several years. The cumulative impact of recurring middle ear infections has taken a toll on his bilateral eardrums, leaving him with a severe impairment in his ability to hear and comprehend speech. Determined to find a solution, Azhar sought medical advice, and his doctor prescribed super-powered computerized hearing aids as a potential remedy to restore his hearing and speech perception.

However, Azhar faced a significant obstacle on his path to regaining his hearing: financial limitations that made accessing the necessary hearing aids seem insurmountable. Faced with the prospect of a life without sound, Azhar reached out to Transparent Hands, seeking their support and assistance. Recognizing the urgency and importance of Azhar’s situation, Transparent Hands swiftly stepped forward, ready to provide the financial aid required to bring back the joy of hearing to Azhar’s life.

On October 18, 2023, Azhar made his way to Audio Medics, Lahore, where he was greeted by the compassionate guidance of Dr. Kiran. Under her expert supervision, Azhar was fitted with super-power hearing aids, meticulously adjusted to cater to his unique hearing needs. 

As the devices came to function, a newfound symphony of sounds filled Azhar’s ears. Overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, Azhar’s heart swelled with appreciation for the transformative power of the hearing aids and the support he received from Transparent Hands.

Now equipped with the gift of restored hearing, Azhar could reclaim his place in the workforce and resume his role as a provider for his family. The ability to communicate effectively and engage with the world around him meant that Azhar could once again pursue meaningful employment opportunities, securing the financial stability he so desperately desired.

 Sabena mir

Donated: $ 267.52

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 50

Total Funds

$ 317.52

Funds Raised

$ 317.52
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 317.52 Raised

Successfully Operated

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