Azhar’s angiography showed no signs of a heart problem
Azhar Meena's Story
Azhar Meena, 53 years old, was experiencing frequent episodes of chest pain. She was diagnosed as a case of ischemic heart disease and was advised angiography. Her procedure was done at National Defence Hospital, on 22-02-20, by Dr Tayab Mohyuddin. She was found to have a normal pattern of coronary vessels. Her angiography was normal and she was discharged after 1 day of hospital stay with advice on medications.
Donated: $ 236.98
Umair Naeem Baig
Donated: $ 15
Kashif Mueen
Donated: $ 8.88
Romaisa Malik
Donated: $ 0.63
Qirsa Rasheed
Donated: $ 0.32