Christo Underwent Open Cholecystectomy

Christo Underwent Open Cholecystectomy


Christo Javid's Story

Christo, a 35-year-old resident of Lahore, was in urgent need of an open cholecystectomy to alleviate his intense abdominal pain and restore his health. However, financial constraints stood in his way, making it impossible for him to afford the necessary surgery. Through the generosity of kind-hearted individuals like you, Christo received the support he needed, providing him with hope for a brighter and healthier future.

For the past two months, Christo has endured episodes of severe upper abdominal pain, accompanied by vomiting and indigestion. Despite seeking medical help, the prescribed medications only provided temporary relief. Further diagnostic tests revealed the presence of gallstones, a condition known as cholelithiasis. The doctor recommended an open cholecystectomy, a surgical procedure crucial for Christo’s well-being.

Christo, who resided in a rented house with his family, earned a modest income of only 35,000 rupees per month. This amount was insufficient to cover the costs of the necessary surgery, leaving him in a desperate situation.

Transparent Hands, recognizing the urgency of Christo’s health condition, took on the responsibility to provide him with the required surgical treatment. With the support of donors, Christo was admitted to Lahore Care Hospital, where Dr. Ahmed Fawad successfully performed the surgery on February 29, 2024. After two days, he was discharged from the hospital, free from the burden of pain that had plagued him for so long.

With the weight of pain lifted, Christo now looks forward to a brighter future. He is filled with gratitude and embraces this new chapter in his life, knowing that he has been given another chance at a pain-free tomorrow. Your kindness and support have made a significant difference in his life, allowing him to regain his health and pursue a better quality of life. Christo and his family extend their heartfelt thanks to all the donors who selflessly contributed to his cause.


Donated: $ 191

 Sabena mir

Donated: $ 84.29


Donated: $ 50


Donated: $ 36.10

 Zeban Faisal

Donated: $ 10

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 0.18


Donated: $ 0.04

Total Funds

$ 371.61

Funds Raised

$ 371.61
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 371.61 Raised

Successfully Operated

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