Danish has made it through his final surgery

Danish has made it through his final surgery

Danish has made it through his final surgery

Danish Mansha's Story

Danish Mansha, 16 years old, had an emergency surgery, an ileostomy, due to typhoid perforation. In this surgery, a temporary opening for the stool passage was made to save his life. He was advised surgery to reverse this ileostomy. His surgery was done at Lahore Care Hospital, on 31-01-20, by Dr Sajid Iqbal. His ileostomy was closed and intestinal continuity was restored once again. He recovered well in his 4 days of hospital stay and was discharged in good health.


Donated: $ 575.37

 Mohammad Usman

Donated: $ 129.87

 Be kind

Donated: $ 12.99

Total Funds

$ 718.23

Funds Raised

$ 718.23
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 718.23 Raised

Successfully Operated

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