Dilbar Jaan had a Successful Leg’s Prosthesis

Dilbar Jaan had a Successful Leg’s Prosthesis


Dilbar Jaan's Story

Dilbar Jaan, a 19-year-old resident of Sargodha, experienced a life-altering event when he was involved in a tragic accident four years ago. The severity of his injuries led to the amputation of his right leg, leaving him in need of an above-knee prosthesis to regain his mobility and independence. This sudden change in his physical abilities had a profound impact on Dilbar, causing both emotional distress and limitations in his daily life.

Dilbar belonged to a large family of nine, who were already facing financial challenges. The cost of the amputation procedure was beyond their means, adding to Dilbar’s despair and increasing pain. In his time of need, Dilbar turned to Transparent Hands, an organization known for its dedication to providing medical assistance to those who cannot afford it. Through the collective efforts of generous donors and the committed team at Transparent Hands, Dilbar’s case was taken up, and the necessary funds were raised for his right above-knee amputation.

Under the expert supervision of Dr. Khalid Niaz, Dilbar underwent the amputation procedure on the 27th of November at Hope Rehabilitation Centre. It has provided Dilbar with a renewed sense of hope and refuge from the challenges he had been facing. With his new prosthesis, Dilbar regained his ability to perform tasks and activities he had previously taken for granted. The physical and emotional distress he had experienced significantly decreased, replaced by a sense of satisfaction and confidence.

The impact of Dilbar’s regained mobility extended beyond his well-being. With the ability to actively participate in daily tasks and care for his family, his presence and contribution improved their living standards. 

Dilbar jaan is immensely grateful to the kind-hearted donors and Transparent Hands for their unwavering support in making his amputation procedure possible. Their generosity and dedication transformed his life, granting him the freedom to navigate the world with confidence and dignity.

 Arshad Hussain

Donated: $ 229.09

 Nouman Haq

Donated: $ 125

 Sabena mir

Donated: $ 105.65

 Hope Rehabilitation Center

Donated: $ 82.94

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 50

Total Funds

$ 592.68

Funds Raised

$ 592.68
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 592.68 Raised

Successfully Operated

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