Abu Bakar has returned back to his happy and healthy life

Abu Bakar has returned back to his happy and healthy life

Abu Bakar's Story

Abu Bakar 18 months old child was suffering from Rt. sided inguinal hernia since birth. He was advised surgery as it had become painful now. His surgery was done on 29-05-17 in Akram Medical Complex by Dr. Naveed Haider in which Rt. Herniotomy was performed. He remained admitted for one day with uneventful post op course and was discharged in good health.


 NETSOL Technologies

Donated: $ 133.13


Donated: $ 113.34


Donated: $ 82.72

 Ruhma Shahzad

Donated: $ 35.29

 Matt Pomrink

Donated: $ 25

 Sabena mir

Donated: $ 7.23

Total Funds

$ 396.71

Funds Raised

$ 396.71
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 396.71 Raised

Successfully Operated

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