Farah gave birth to a beautiful baby boy

Farah gave birth to a beautiful baby boy

Farah Salman

Farah Salman's Story

Farah Salman, aged 32 years, had a history of a C-section. Therefore, her gynaecologist recommended surgery for the delivery of her second baby as well. For this purpose, Farah was admitted to Lahore Care Hospital and her C-section was carried out by Dr. Rakhshanda on 29.05.2021. She gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy. Farah stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in satisfactory condition. Both mother and baby are doing well.



 Dealicious Mealz (UK) ltd

Donated: $ 199.62

 Rizwan Hassan

Donated: $ 151.68

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 30


Donated: $ 1

 Romaisa Malik

Donated: $ 1

 Zonaib Shahid Latif

Donated: $ 1

Total Funds

$ 384.30

Funds Raised

$ 384.30
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 384.30 Raised

Successfully Operated

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