Fareed Regains his Self Confidence

Fareed Regains his Self Confidence


Fareed Ahmed Ahmed's Story

At the tender age of 19, Fareed’s life came to a screeching halt when he lost his arm in a tragic incident while working in the corn fields. His arm became trapped in a fodder machine, resulting in a below-elbow amputation of his right arm. The loss of his arm left him feeling helpless, isolated, and filled with despair. Simple tasks that were once effortless became incredibly challenging, and his disability forced him to put his education and dreams on hold.

Being a part of a family of eight, with his father being the sole breadwinner struggling to meet the basic needs of the household, the cost of an artificial arm seemed impossible to bear. In his desperation, Fareed reached out to Transparent Hands for assistance. With the help of their generous donors, On the 30th of November, Fareed underwent a below-elbow amputation procedure performed by Dr. Khalid Niaz at the Hope Rehabilitation Centre. 

Give a Hope to Surgery Awaiting Patients

He finally felt strong, stable, and capable once again, restoring his self-esteem and confidence in interacting with others. No longer did he feel left out or burdensome to his family. He could now embrace the natural essence of stability and look toward the future with renewed hope.

The procedure not only cured Fareed’s disability but also opened doors for him to pursue his education and dreams without the challenges he once faced. He is immensely grateful to the kind-hearted donors and the efforts of Transparent Hands. Fareed firmly believes that without their support, it would have been impossible for him to afford the procedure. Their act of kindness has not only helped him but also provided hope for others who have experienced similar incidents.

With his artificial arm, Fareed now stands as a beacon of resilience and determination. He has been given a second chance at life, thanks to the compassion and generosity of others.

 Sam B

Donated: $ 145.05

 Hope Rehabilitation Center

Donated: $ 30.33

Total Funds

$ 175.38

Funds Raised

$ 175.38
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 175.38 Raised

Successfully Operated

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