Farzaman Alam has recovered! Thank you for sending him help

Farzaman Alam has recovered! Thank you for sending him help


Farzaman Alam 's Story

Farzaman Alam, 65 years old, was suffering from symptoms of urinary tract obstruction. He was diagnosed to have enlarged prostate as well as a vesical stone. He was advised surgery to relieve his symptoms. His surgery was done by Dr. Faisal Masood, on 06-05-20, in Lahore Care Hospital. His transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) and litholapaxy were done to relieve the obstruction. He stayed for three days in the hospital and was discharged in good health.


 Launch Good

Donated: $ 620.16


Donated: $ 168.86

 Bilal Hafeez

Donated: $ 25

Total Funds

$ 814.02

Funds Raised

$ 814.02
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 814.02 Raised

Successfully Operated

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