Fatima Delivered a Healthy Baby

Fatima Delivered a Healthy Baby


Fatima Bibi's Story

At 28 years old, Fatima found herself in the difficult phase of her third pregnancy, a journey fraught with complexities that required extraordinary care and consideration. Having previously undergone two C-sections, the Karachi resident’s doctor had advised her to prepare for another surgical procedure to ensure the safe delivery of her child.

However, the financial realities that Fatima and her husband faced presented a formidable obstacle. Their limited means made it impossible for them to afford the expenses associated with the recommended C-section, leaving them overwhelmed with worries and anxieties about the risks and uncertainties of their situation.

As Fatima’s due date drew near, her family’s distress only continued to mount. Unsure of how they would secure the necessary medical care, they felt trapped in a web of helplessness and concern for the wellbeing of both mother and child.

Fortunately, Transparent Hands, a non-profit dedicated to providing accessible healthcare, became aware of Fatima’s plight and understood the urgency of her situation. With the generous support of donors, Fatima was admitted to Murshid Hospital, where on May 2, 2025, Dr. Farkhanda expertly performed the critical C-section procedure.

The surgery was a resounding success, and Fatima welcomed a healthy baby into the world, filling their home with joy and hope. After just two days of recovery, Fatima held her beloved child in her arms as they made their way back home, her heart overflowing with gratitude for the kindness and compassion shown by the donors and Transparent Hands.

Inspired by this profound act of generosity, Fatima and her husband vowed to pay it forward, promising to assist others in need whenever they had the opportunity. Their story stands as a testament to the transformative power of accessible healthcare and the profound impact that can be made when compassionate individuals come together to support those facing extraordinary challenges.

 Saad Umerani

Donated: $ 274.37


Donated: $ 20

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 3

Total Funds

$ 297.37

Funds Raised

$ 297.37
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 297.37 Raised

Successfully Operated

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