He has started walking without any pain

He has started walking without any pain

Rt Leg Implants Removal

Faqeer Hussain's Story

Faqeer Hussain 35-year-old man fractured his right leg after a roadside accident 4 years ago and was treated for this and two implants were placed in his right leg Rt Leg Implants Removal. He started getting worse pain in his implants. He was advised to remove them now. His surgery was done on 18-07-18 in PSRD by Dr. Afzal Hussain and both implants were removed. He remained admitted for 3 days and was discharged in satisfactory condition. Now He is pain-free and is able to walk comfortably.

 Tauqeer Amjad

Donated: $ 431.89


Donated: $ 223.23

 Zigron Inc

Donated: $ 13

 TH EmergencyFund

Donated: $ 9.57

Total Funds

$ 677.68

Funds Raised

$ 677.68
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 677.68 Raised

Successfully Operated

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