Akbar is thankful to its donors for saving his life

Akbar is thankful to its donors for saving his life

Akbar Ali

Akbar Ali's Story

Akbar Ali was in excruciating pain for the last six months, due to a stone in the kidney tubes that carries urine from kidney to bladder. On dated 09-Sep-14, he had lithotripsy in which doctor Mazhar used shock waves to break stones in his kidney. After the procedure, the tiny pieces of stone passed out of his body in urine. Now, he is well and thanked Transparent Hands for his treatment.


 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 112.96

Total Funds

$ 112.96

Funds Raised

$ 112.96
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 112.96 Raised

Successfully Operated

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