His surgery was a huge success because of your prayers and donations

His surgery was a huge success because of your prayers and donations

Muhammad Sarfaraz's Story

Muhammad Sarfraz 63 years old man was suffering from diarrhea and weight loss for last 6 months. He was investigated and found to have Carcinoma of Large intestine- sigmoid colon. He was advised surgery to remove the affected part of intestine. His surgery was done in Akram Medical Complex by Dr. Ahmed Fawad on 25-09-18. His Anterior resection was done which was curative. He stayed for 6 days in hospital and was discharged in good health with follow up advice. He is free from his painful symptoms now.

 Kansai Paint Pvt Ltd

Donated: $ 584.65


Donated: $ 380

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 196.01

 syed zain ul abidin

Donated: $ 80.81


Donated: $ 44


Donated: $ 37.31

Total Funds

$ 1,322.79

Funds Raised

$ 1,322.79
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,322.79 Raised

Successfully Operated

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