Hussnain’s congenital defect has been reversed

Hussnain’s congenital defect has been reversed

Muhammad Hussnain

Muhammad Hussnain's Story

Muhammad Hussnain, 5 ½ years old, had his colostomy made for a temporary passage for stool at the age of 1 ½ years. He was diagnosed with intestinal obstruction due to Hirschsprung’s disease. He was advised another surgery to reverse the colostomy. Hussnain’s surgery was done at Akram Medical Complex, on 08-11-19, by Dr Naveed Haider. His colostomy was closed by Duhamel pull-through surgery and intestinal continuity was restored. He stayed for 6 days, recovered well during the hospital stay, and was discharged in good health.

 Kansai Paint Pvt Ltd

Donated: $ 883.70

 Saad Ashraf

Donated: $ 123.31

 Umair Naeem Baig

Donated: $ 15

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 10

Total Funds

$ 1,032.01

Funds Raised

$ 1,032.01
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 1,032.01 Raised

Successfully Operated

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