Kausar’s infection is healing fast

Kausar’s infection is healing fast

Kausar Naseer Butt

Kausar Naseer Butt's Story

Kausar Naseer, 51 years of age, was in misery because of a recurrent foul smelling discharge from her surgical wound site. She was operated on for removal of her gall bladder 10 years ago. She was diagnosed to have stitch sinus and was advised exploration of her wound to get rid of this infective focus. Her surgery was done at Lahore Care Hospital, on 19-11-19, by Dr Ahmed Fawad. Her sinus tract was explored and a prolene stitch was removed. Kausar remained admitted for 1 day after her surgery and was discharged from the hospital with a healthy wound.

 Launch Good

Donated: $ 107.62

 Usman Nissar

Donated: $ 100

 Hamid Qazi

Donated: $ 50

 Anonymous girl

Donated: $ 30.72

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 20

 Hussain Abbas

Donated: $ 11

 Maryam Nasar

Donated: $ 9

 john doe

Donated: $ 0.01

 Hassan Amin

Donated: $ 0.01

Total Funds

$ 328.36

Funds Raised

$ 328.36
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 328.36 Raised

Successfully Operated

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