Khalid Mehmood has recovered from his heart condition of 15 years. Your help is truly appreciated!

Khalid Mehmood has recovered from his heart condition of 15 years. Your help is truly appreciated!

Khalid Mehmood

Khalid Mehmood's Story

Khalid Mehmood, 49 years old, was experiencing severe pain in his chest area and was diagnosed with an ischemic heart disease 15 years ago. His percutaneous intervention (PCI) was done and it was found that an angioplasty would not be possible. He was advised to get a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). His surgery was done at National Hospital on 08-08-20 by Dr Tayyab Pasha. His operation was a success and he was later discharged in good health, returning back to his normal life.


Donated: $ 3,184.68

 Qasim Mueen

Donated: $ 208.29

 Khawaja Nabeel Imtiaz

Donated: $ 40

 Svetlana S

Donated: $ 30

 Aqeel Mohamed Abdullah Ghuloom

Donated: $ 20

 Adnan Shah

Donated: $ 20

 Romaisa Malik

Donated: $ 2.65

 Qirsa Rasheed

Donated: $ 0.65


Donated: $ 0.65

Total Funds

$ 3,506.91

Funds Raised

$ 3,506.91
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 3,506.91 Raised

Successfully Operated

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