Khursheed got treated for her cataract

Khursheed got treated for her cataract

Khursheed Mai

Khursheed Mai's Story

Khursheed Mai, 64 years old, was diagnosed with a cataract in her left eye. She was advised a phacoemulsification surgery with an intra-ocular lens implant. For this purpose, she was admitted in Bakhtawar Amin Memorial hospital and the procedure was performed by Dr. Hassan Raza on 24.11.2020. Khursheed did not have to stay in the hospital since her procedure was performed and she was discharged the same day in a stable condition. Her vision has cleared now.

 Nadir Tayyab

Donated: £ 80.74

 Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital

Donated: £ 68.54

 Launch Good

Donated: £ 43.53

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: £ 19.21

 dmitry iv

Donated: £ 17.54


Donated: £ 7.80

 mohammad Raza

Donated: £ 7.33

 Kashif Mueen

Donated: £ 7.31

 Zonaib Shahid Latif

Donated: £ 5.88

 Che Wan Sufia

Donated: £ 3.64

 Haneen shakir

Donated: £ 3.64

 Sam B

Donated: £ 3.15

Total Funds

£ 268.31

Funds Raised

£ 268.31
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
£ 268.31 Raised

Successfully Operated

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