Mafia Nawaz is slowly getting back on her feet. Thank you for your help and support!
Mafia Nawaz's Story
Mafia Nawaz, 17 years old, was unable to walk properly since birth. She was diagnosed with congenital talipes equinovarus (a common foot abnormality, in which the foot points downward and inward) in her left foot. She was advised to get surgery. Her surgery was performed by Dr Rauf Ahmad on 13-08-20 at PSRD. Her procedure included soft tissue release and triple fusion (STC +T/F). She remained admitted in the hospital for five days and later was discharged in good health. Slowly, Mafia is starting to return back to her normal life, just like other girls and boys her age.
Donated: $ 561.43
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 128.85
Madihullah Riaz
Donated: $ 10