Mukhtaran Bibi’s gall bladder was successfully removed through your support!

Mukhtaran Bibi’s gall bladder was successfully removed through your support!

Mukhtaran Bibi

Mukhtaran Bibi's Story

Mukhtaran Bibi, 41 years old, was diagnosed with multiple stones in her gall bladder. The doctor advised a laparoscopic cholecystectomy for her. She was admitted in Abid hospital and the surgery was performed by Dr. Abdul Saeed Sajjid on 08.10.2020. Her gall bladder was safely removed. Mukhtaran Bibi stayed in the hospital for two days and was discharged in a stable condition. The abdominal pain and discomfort that she usually experienced has subsided and she is on a swift way to recovery.

“I had been having very frequent episodes of abdominal pain for the last two months. I also felt nauseous all the time. The doctor said that this surgery was inevitable because my condition was deteriorating rapidly. Now, after the surgery, I feel much healthier. The abdominal pain is completely gone. ”– Mukhtaran Bibi

 Afshan javaid

Donated: $ 233.54


Donated: $ 61.90

 Bilal Hussain

Donated: $ 49.66

 Aqsa Ch

Donated: $ 43.63

 Bisma Umer

Donated: $ 31.16

 Furqan Nassir

Donated: $ 18.62

Total Funds

$ 438.51

Funds Raised

$ 438.51
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 438.51 Raised

Successfully Operated

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