Mumtaz has been cured

Mumtaz has been cured


Mumtaz Raza's Story

Mumtaz, a 39-year-old resident of Hyderabad, was suffering from pain in his left flank for the last year. Upon consultation, he was diagnosed with left Urethral stones. The doctor advised him to undergo a left Urethroscopy as a cure. For this purpose, he was sent to ISRA University hospital to get his surgery done by Dr. Rajab Ali on 03-03-2022. His procedure went smoothly and he was discharged after five days of hospital stay in satisfactory condition.

 Humera Subhani

Donated: $ 580.96

 Shanza Sohail

Donated: $ 168

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 30

Total Funds

$ 778.96

Funds Raised

$ 778.96
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 778.96 Raised

Successfully Operated

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