Nasir’s chest pains have ceased. Your help reached him in time
Nasir Ahmad 's Story
Nasir Ahmad, 68 years old, was suffering from angina for the last 3 months & was diagnosed with ischemic heart disease. His cardiologist advised him to have percutaneous intervention (PCI) and stent placement. His procedure was done in National Defence Hospital on 02-06-20, by Dr. Tayyab Mohyuddin. He had left anterior descending (LAD) and left circumflex (LCX) artery occlusion which were stented. The procedure was successful and the patient was discharged the next day after full recovery.
Donated: $ 2,183.65
Donated: $ 322.58
Donated: $ 62
Tariq Ali Cheema
Donated: $ 50
Ikramah Nazir
Donated: $ 50
Donated: $ 15
Dawood Aslam
Donated: $ 9.68