Nazia Noor’s congenital condition has been corrected with the help of your donations!

Nazia Noor’s congenital condition has been corrected with the help of your donations!

Nazia Noor

Nazia Noor's Story

Nazia Noor, 7 years old, was diagnosed with anorectal malformation (ARM) called as rectovestibular fistula (RVF) and she was advised anterior sagittal anorectoplasty (ASARP) for its correction by making her back passage separately at its usual site. She was admitted in Lahore Care hospital and the procedure was performed by Dr. Sajid Iqbal Nayyar on 26.10.2020. Nazia stayed in the hospital for three days and was discharged in a stable condition. She has completely recovered and is in good health now.

“I am so grateful that the defect that my daughter had since her birth is finally repaired now.”-Nazia Noor’s mother

 Gordon Shepherd

Donated: $ 701.80

Total Funds

$ 701.80

Funds Raised

$ 701.80
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 701.80 Raised

Successfully Operated

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