Said Arshid was able to have his angiography because of your support!

Said Arshid was able to have his angiography because of your support!

Said arshid ali bacha

Said Arshid Ali Bacha's Story

45-year-old Said Arshid Ali Bacha was diagnosed with old inferior wall myocardial infarction. The cardiologist recommended an angiography for him so that the condition of the blood vessels in his heart could be assessed properly. He was admitted in Muhammad Sardar Khan Memorial hospital and the procedure was performed by Dr. Umar Ibrahim on 16.10.2020. He was discharged the same day in a stable condition. The angiography report revealed that he has blockage of all of his major coronary vessels. He is advised open heart surgery (CABG) for subsequent management.

“I am a labourer. My salary is not enough to go through with these expensive medical procedures. Healthcare services are a luxury for people like us. May God bless this organization and everyone who helped me.” – Said Arshid


Donated: $ 265.83

Total Funds

$ 265.83

Funds Raised

$ 265.83
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 265.83 Raised

Successfully Operated

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