Samina’s suffering of six years has finally ended!
Samina Bibi's Story
Samina Bibi, aged 43 years, suffered from intense recurring pain in her lumber region on the right side. This continued for a span of six years. On medical consultation, she was diagnosed with pelvic ureteric junction (PUJ) stones in the right kidney. The urologist advised surgical intervention for her treatment. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she could not get an appointment in any local or private hospital. Then, after registration with our organization, she was admitted to Akram Medical Complex and her pyelolithotomy was performed by Dr. Shahjahan Khan on 15.06.2021. The stone was removed and a DJ stent was also placed in her kidney. She took four days to recover post-surgery and was discharged in a stable condition. Samina is over the moon since her suffering of six years has finally ended.