Sana was Overwhelmed by the Arrival of her Healthy Baby

Sana was Overwhelmed by the Arrival of her Healthy Baby

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Sana Shakeel 's Story

Sana Shakeel, a 33-year-old resident of Lahore, eagerly awaited the arrival of her second child. However, her excitement was tinged with worry. Having delivered her first baby through a C-section, she knew the challenges that lay ahead. As her seventh month of pregnancy rolled in, she found herself in the hospital, seeking advice from her gynecologist. The doctor, considering her medical history and current situation, recommended another C-section for the safe delivery of her baby. Sana’s heart sank, not only due to the daunting prospect of another surgery but also because of the financial strain it would impose on her growing family.

In her distress, Sana reached out to Transparent Hands, putting her faith in their promise to provide the necessary care. With a heavy burden on her shoulders, she was admitted to Lahore Care Hospital, where Dr. Rakhshanda skillfully performed the C-section on 07-07-2023, bringing a precious new life into the world. The joy of holding her healthy baby in her arms was immeasurable, but Sana’s gratitude extended far beyond that moment.

Sana’s heart overflowed with gratitude towards the compassionate donors who selflessly supported her during this challenging time. Their generosity not only relieved her of the financial burden but also gave her access to the quality healthcare she needed. Their kindness transformed what could have been a period of worry and uncertainty into one filled with hope and happiness. Sana found solace in the precious moments spent bonding with her baby, cherishing each milestone and treasuring the love that enveloped their growing family.

With tears of joy, Sana extends her heartfelt thanks to the donors who played an instrumental role in her journey to motherhood. Their selflessness made a profound impact on her life, offering her a sense of security and support that she will forever hold dear.

 Mohammed 'Adeel' Khaleel

Donated: $ 100

 Tanveer Akbar

Donated: $ 100

 Madihullah Riaz

Donated: $ 100

 Muhammad Yousuf

Donated: $ 13.50

 Raja Muhammad Nabeel Ullah Khan

Donated: $ 10

 Haseeb Mansoor

Donated: $ 3


Donated: $ 2

 Wajahat Alam

Donated: $ 0.97

Total Funds

$ 329.47

Funds Raised

$ 329.47
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 329.47 Raised

Successfully Operated

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