Shakila Hayat’s operation was successful. Thank you for your donations!
Shakila Hayat's Story
Shakila Hayat, 40 years old, was suffering from chronic renal failure. She was advised an arteriovenous fistula formation (an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein with which blood flows directly from an artery into a vein, bypassing some capillaries) with PTFE graft. Her surgery was done on 15-09-20 by Dr. Ubaid Ullah at Akram Medical Complex. She remained admitted for a day and was discharged in good health. With your help, Shakila has resumed a normal life.
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 536.24
Donated: $ 218.05
Donated: $ 89.03
Chancellor Sheckissa
Donated: $ 45.55
Donated: $ 10
Romaisa Malik
Donated: $ 0.31