Shamim Akhtar’s vision has cleared in her right eye

Shamim Akhtar’s vision has cleared in her right eye

Shamim Akhtar

Shamim Akhtar's Story

Shamim Akhtar, 50 years old, was diagnosed with bilateral cataract and was advised a phacoemulsification surgery along with an intraocular lens implant for the right eye since it was more affected. For this purpose, she was admitted in Bakhtawar Amin Memorial hospital and the procedure was performed by Dr. Asif Manzoor on 19.11.2020. Shamim did not have to stay in the hospital as she was discharged the same day after the procedure in a stable condition. Her vision has cleared after the surgery.

“My vision was blurry. It was very inconvenient and affected my work. The surgery has benefited me a great deal. My vision in the right eye is clear now.”– Shamim Akhtar

 Haider Kizilbash

Donated: $ 272.76

 Bakhtawar Amin Memorial Trust Hospital

Donated: $ 93.36

Total Funds

$ 366.12

Funds Raised

$ 366.12
100% Complete (success)
100% Funded
$ 366.12 Raised

Successfully Operated

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