She can now walk and sit without pain, thank you
Saba Ali's Story
Saba Ali 30 years old lady was suffering from bilateral hip ankylosis due to which she was unable to walk and sit. She was advised left Total Hip Replacement (THR). Her surgery was done in PSRD Hospital on 10-04-19 by Dr Afzal Hussain. She recovered well and was discharged after 4 days of hospital stay. Her post-operative course was complicated due to infection at wound’s site. She was admitted again and wound clearance by debridement was done. She was finally discharged in satisfactory condition after another 3 days of hospital stay
Packages Foundation
Donated: $ 728.27
R M Naeem
Donated: $ 313.85
Donated: $ 250
Mohammad Sulaiman
Donated: $ 237.38
Mansoor Ijaz
Donated: $ 207
Donated: $ 175
Laiba butt
Donated: $ 150.58
Donated: $ 100
Syed Furqan
Donated: $ 100
Rauf Sheikh
Donated: $ 100
Feroz Khan
Donated: $ 40
K M Abdur Rehman
Donated: $ 35.30
Muhammad Umair Saleem
Donated: $ 0.35