C- section: She gave birth to a girl after successful surgery
Zunaira Kanwal's Story
Zunaira Kanwal 21 years old lady presented with mass in her abdomen. She was diagnosed to have an ovarian cyst and was advised surgery. During her tests before surgery, she was known to have a positive pregnancy test. Her operation was planned at the time of completion of her pregnancy. She was advised surgery to remove an ovarian cyst and cesarean section for childbirth at the same time. Her laparotomy for C- section, and Rt. ovarian cystectomy was done in Akram Medical Complex on 07-07-18 by Dr. Asia Nasir. She gave birth to her first child and was happy that her ovarian cyst is removed at the same time. She recovered well post operatively and was discharged in good health after 2 days of hospital stay.
Donated: $ 344.01
NETSOL Technologies
Donated: $ 122.85
Donated: $ 118.07
Qasim Mueen
Donated: $ 50.02
Zigron Inc
Donated: $ 32.77
Daraz pk
Donated: $ 30.11
Baz Khan
Donated: $ 30
Donated: $ 11.53
Rabia Javed
Donated: $ 1
Donated: $ 1
TH EmergencyFund
Donated: $ 0.86
Osman Masood
Donated: $ 0.21